Lab 3 - ECE 421L 

Andrew Buchanan


This lab will utilize the LM324 op-amp (LM324.pdf).

Review the data sheet for this op-amp.

For the following questions and experiments assume VCC+ = +5V and VCC- = 0V.

The max comon mode coltage is VCC-1.5V, with our 5V VCC the max common mode voltage is 3.5V


 Looking at the frequency response plot, the open-loop gain at 1kHz is about 60dB, or 1000. ( dB = 20log(x) ). From the other plot, we can see that the gain does not change much with power supply voltage, so we can estimate AOL = 1000 at 1kHz.


  from the data sheet the offset voltage is 2mV, and the worst case is 9mV

Build, and test, the following circuit. Note that a precise value for the 5k resistors isn't important. You can use 4.7k or a 5.1k resistors.
This is our circuit
This is our measurment
This is our spice simulation

The common mode woltage is the voltage sin at the non inverting input terminal. In our circuit it is 2.5V. It does not change because the cpacitance that are in parrealel with the voltage divider filter out any AC.

 closed loop gain of an inverting opamp is -Rf/Ri this means that if the resistances are the same for the Rf and the Ri that the closed loop gain is going to be -1 and this causes the output to be the same as the input with a phase offset of 90 degrees. this is shown in the simulation above.

The output swing is  the 111mV signal which "swings" around the DC offset of 2.5V. similar to the simulation which has a swing of 100mV centered at 2.5V.  If we increase the amplitude beyond 2.5V we can see that the output hits the rails and cuts off

 The max input signal amplitude is 2.5V because the VCM is 2.5V and beyond this the circuit starts clipping

 If the gain is increased to 10 this would cause the output to swing 10 times larger and you would have to lower you amplitude by a factor of 10. So, the max amplitude before clipping would be 250mV

 As i said above it helps keep the voltage from changing or getting any noise interference

Explain how the following circuit can be used to measure the op-amp's offset voltage.
This circuit can be used to measure the offset voltage of the op-amp by getting the difference between the inverting terminal and the non-inverting terminal. The measure value needs to be divided by 20 because our op-amp has a gain of 20.

By using the following circuit layout we can measure the offset voltage as Vos=(VCM-Vout)/Gain. The Gain will be 20 because we used the 1k and the 20k resistors for Rf and Ri

Vos = (2.53-2.49)/20 = 2mV


Vos = (2.51-3.17)/20 = -33mV


Vos = (2.56-2.89)/20 = -16.5mV


Vos = (2.51-2.03)/20 = 24mV


The LM324 was the only op amp with a small ofset voltage if we would have selected higher gain we might have gotten better results.


In this lab we learned about ofset voltage of an op amp and bias current. I also learned how to read the data sheet to find the data that I need.











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