Lab 8 - EE420L 

Authored by Rodolfo Gutierrez


Characterization of the CD4007 CMOS transistor array

  1.      ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 3 V) with VDS = 3 V
  2.      ID v. VDS (0 < VDS < 5 V) for VGS varying from 1 to 5 V in 1 V steps, and
  3.      ID v. VGS (0 < VGS < 5 V) with VDS = 5 V for VSB varying from 0 to 3 V in 1 V steps.       

    For part 1 of the experiment we have

    For part 2 we sweep VDS and VGS
    Here we see that in the nmos case the circuit starts out with no current flow, but as VGS raises we see more current flow until the plot stays in the triode region at higher VGS values. For the pmos there is an inverse effect, where the circuit starts out on at low VGS but begins to slowly turn off at highter VGS.

    In part 3 we measure the body effect of our transistors
    Here we see that as VSB and VBS becomes larger the greater the threshold voltage becomes. Once again we see an inverse effect relationship with the pmos.

    Cox' = Cox/ W * L = 5pf / (5um * 500 um) = 2 f F/ um^2
    tox = Eox / Cox' = (8.85 * 3.9 )aF/um / 2fF = 0.017257 um = 17.257 nm

    From page 139 we get
    GAMMA = (2qEsi *NA)^1/2 / cox' = (2 * q * 11.7 * 8.85 aF/um * 10^16 )^1/2 / 2 fF/um^2 = 0.2878 V^1/2

    VTO_N = 2 V
    VTO_P = 2.1V

    un and up values assume room tempreture.

    Kpn = un * cox' = 1400 cm^2/Vs * cox' = 280 u A/V
    Kpp = up * cox' = 470 cm^2/Vs *cox' = 94 u A/V

    LAMBDA = 1/L * dXdl / dVDS = 1 / ID, SAT * ro
        Since we lack L and the depletion layer width we cannont use the first equation. We can use the second equations to find LAMBDA however with the current measurements we find that ro is about 0, we will need to make more measurements to get an accurate value for ro.


    Part 1 simulations
    The plots in our simulations matches the measured curves.

    Part 2 Simulations
    Once again we mirror the plots shown from the measured curves. However the current for the pmos is inverted. This due to how spice defines current flow in transistors.

Part 3 simulations
       As we sweep VSB and VBS we see that the saturation curve begins to shift. This is due to the body effect increasing the threshold voltage.

   There was an issue with creating a pulse waveform, Though we see that there is a VDD and VSS slope with our waveform.
    Repeat the above steps for the PMOS device where VDS, VGS, and VSB are replaced with VSD, VSG, and VBS respectively.
