Lab 3: Op-Amps I, Basic Topologies, Finite Gain, and Offset - ECE 420L 

Authored By: Joey Yurgelon


February 5, 2015


Pre-lab Work:

Lab Description:
Lab Requirements:

Experimental Results: 

    Exercise #1: Use the LM324 Datasheet for the following questions. 

  Exercise #2: Build and test, the following circuit. Precise valued resistors are not needed. 

Hand Calculations
LTspice Simulated Circuit Exp #1
Simulated Output Waveform

DC Offset Voltage of Input/Output - VCM

Input/Output Voltages, Output has 180 phase shift

Op-Amp Clipping When DC Sweeps Too High

   Exercise #3: Explain how the following circuit can be used to measure the op-amp's offset voltage.

Op-Amp #1: Offset voltage of 20mV

Op-Amp #2: Offset voltage of 0mV

Op-Amp #3: Offset voltage of 20mV

Op-Amp #4: Offset voltage of 40mV

Ideal Amplifier With No Offset - Output = VCM

LTSpice Circuits of Various Op-Amp Offsets

LTSpice Sims of Various Op-Amp Offsets


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