Lab 5 - EE 420L 

Authored by Steven Leung



Pre-lab work



    The main purpose of this lab is to understand how the op-amp integrator works and designing parameters to design output signals from an integrated signal.
 Experiment 1

   Schematic for experiment 1(Figure 1)

                                Frequency response with feedback resistor (Figure 2)

                                Frequency responser without feedback resistor (Figure 3) 
                Magnitude response at 1K frequency (Figure 4)                                             Unity gain frequency (Figure 5) 
Experiment 2

As we can see, the output of a square wave input is similar to a triangle wave since the integral of a horizontal line a ramp function. Having the output swing and input swing of the op-amp be a similar value, our output signal will increases and decrease for at the same rate and the same total amount causing the signal to increase and decrease similar to a ramp function resulting in a triangle wave. For example, if the input signal is centered at 2.5 and the positive swing is .2 Volts and the negative swing is also .2 Volts, the capacitor in the feedback will charge and discharge at the same rate causing the output to be proportional square wave.  One thing to take note of when designing a triangle wave output is the rails of the op-amp. The rails for our design being 0 and 5 volts, the output cannot exceed 5 volts. Our integrator circuit will have an offset because of a DC gain caused by the offset voltage of an op-amp and a mismatch in the VCM voltage and DC voltage of the input. The offset caused by VCM not matching the DC voltage of the input will be seen in this lab  compared to the previous ones because since the DC gain is large, a small mismatch will result in a notable change. One way to resolve this problem is to play with the offset feature on the signal generator and find the right offset voltage that will place the triangle signal centered at 2.5 volts because even if the input is set to have a DC voltage of 2.5 volts and VCM is set to be 2.5 volts, the output will not have an offset of 2.5 volts because of other factors that are amplified such as offset voltage.(see figure 4)
See below for calculations to designing the specified triangle wave.
                   Design values for triangle wave (Figure 6)                                                       Experimental results with calculated values (Figure 7)
The most noticeable trade off is the value of the resistor and capacitor. Notice that they are multiplied together to form a time constant. While the value of the time constant cannot change, the vales of each individual part that compose of the time constant can change. The trade off of having a large resistor and therefore a small capacitor is that with a large resistor, there will be a larger DC gain and therefore shifting the signal to saturation. To increase the peak of our output triangle wave, the input square wave has to have bigger since a larger voltage (top and bottom of square wave) will result in the capacitor charging to a hinger value, but the tradeoff to this is again that the circuit may saturate.            



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