Lab 8 - ECE 420L
by: Justin Le
April 17, 2015
Characterize the MOSFETS in the CD4007 transistor array. Model them in LTspice using Level=1 models.
Review the datasheet for the CD4007 transistor array and the use of the VSS and VDD pins of the chip.
Experiment 1
an NMOS with a VDS held constant at 3 V by a power supply, a plot of ID
versus VGS was generated, for VGS varying from 0 to 3 V (Figure 1a).
The corresponding table of measurements is shown in Figure 1c. The
values for ID were obtained by measuring the output voltage across a
100-ohm resistor and dividing the result by 100. (For all experiments,
the blue channel of the X-Y plot represents the output voltage.)
the VSD of a PMOS was held at 3 V, and a plot of ID versus VSG was
generated, where the values of ID were measured directly by multi-meter
(Figures 1b and 1c).
The simulated curves match the curves generated in the experiment (Figures 1d and 1e).

Figure 1a. | 
Figure 1b. | 
Figure 1c. |

Figure 1d. | 
Figure 1e. |
Experiment 2
an NMOS, the VGS was held at 1 V, and a plot was generated for ID as
VDS varied from 0 V to 5 V. The measurement was then repeated for each
integer value of VGS from 1 to 5 V. The results are shown respectively
in Figures 2a through 2e.

Figure 2a. | 
Figure 2b. |

Figure 2c. | 
Figure 2d. |

Figure 2e. | |
experiment was repeated for a PMOS, with VDS and VGS replaced with VSD
and VSG, respectively, (Figure 2f), and its corresponding measurements
are listed in Figure 2g.

Figure 2f. |

Figure 2g. |
The simulated curves match the curves generated in the experiment (Figures 2h and 2i).

Figure 2h. | 
Figure 2i. |
Experiment 3
an NMOS with VDS held at 5 V and VSB held at 0 V, a plot was generated
for ID with VGS varying from 0 to 5 V. The measurement was then
repeated for VSB equal to 1, 2, and 3 V. The results are shown
respectively in Figures 3a through 3d.

Figure 3a. | 
Figure 3b. |

Figure 3c. | 
Figure 3d. |
The experiment was repeated for a PMOS, with VDS, VGS, and VSB replaced with VSD, VSG, and VBS, respectively (Figure 3e).

Figure 3e. |

Figure 3f. | 
Figure 3g. |
Experiment 4
inverting circuit of Figure 4a was built. The time delay of the output
was measured as 50 ns, which matches the value listed in the datasheet
(Figure 4b).

Figure 4b. |
The simulated response of the circuit shows a time delay of 10 μs (Figure 4c), which is not comparable to the 50 ns that was produced experimentally or reported on the datasheet.

Figure 4c. |
that the length of the NMOS is 5 μm and its width is 500 μm, the oxide
thickness is C’ox = Cox/WL = 5pF/(5μm*500μm) = 2 mF. Thus, TOX = ε0*εr/C'ox = 8.85E-12*3.9/2m = 1.73E-8.
KPN = 2ID*L/(W*(VDS,SAT)^2) = (2*300μ*5μ)/(500μ*(2-1)^2) = 6μ.
KPP = 2ID*L/(W*(VSD,SAT)^2) = (2*150μ*5μ)/(500μ*(2-1)^2) = 4.7μ.
By inspection of the plots in Figures 3a and 3b:
GAMMAN = ∆VTH/∆VBS = 1/1 = 1
GAMMAP = ∆VTH/∆VSB = 1/3
By inspection of the plots in Figures 1a and 1b, VOTN = 1 V and VOTP = 1.25 V.
Using only these parameters, a Level = 1 MOSFET model was generated in LTspice (Figure 5a).
* *Level=1 models VDD=5V for CD4007 * .MODEL
+ TOX =
1.73E-8 GAMMA = 1
1 + KP = 6E-6 *
+ TOX =
1.73E-8 GAMMA =
VTO = -1.5 + KP = 4.7E-6 *
Figure 5 |
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